February 25, 2006

Five Year Old With Major Sniffles!

ACK! We've all been hit by Some Nasty Winter Bug. The entire house is coughing, sniffling and knocked out flat with fever. Fortunately, James got to have a birthday party at his school a few days earlier, because he certainly wasn't feeling up to partying yesterday! Here he is crushed on the couch with a fever of 101.

February 15, 2006


We survived! Unfortunately, James was a bit sick so he couldn't go out and enjoy the snow.

February 10, 2006

Tummy Time Oliver

February 07, 2006

And the Oscar goes to...

Introducing James in some of the most notable roles of his career.

(Not pictured: Bilbo Baggins, G.I. Joe, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jackie Chan... and whatever else I can't remember off hand).

February 05, 2006

Couch Potatoes